District Heating Heatpumps

Star’s Neatpump turns cold water and air into affordable, renewable heat and hot water for whole cities, including businesses, hospitals and schools.


Seen as a key strategy for decarbonising our heat dense cities, when coupled with a high-temperature water source heat pump the result is a 2050 ready solution that can be implemented now.

Although implementing district heating heatpumps into dense urban areas can be complicated, with the carbon footprint of electricity at a historic low (and trending to 0), a heat pump led, district heating system is a guaranteed way to decarbonise a city. Heat pumps can achieve the required temperatures to displace the burning of fossil fuel heating and only improve over time when upgrades are made to buildings. If utilising a river then heat pumps can produce free cooling which could for example be consumed by a data centre.

Case Study: Drammen Heatpump

Neatpump manufacture

Star Renewable Energy has launched a groundbreaking sustainable heating system that is heating homes and businesses across an entire city in Norway.

Case Study: Queen’s Quay

Queen's Quay Heatpump

Star Renewable Energy has recently joined forces with West Dunbartonshire Council and Vital Energi to deliver Scotland’s first industrial scale water source heat pump for a district heating network.

We’d like to hear from you

Star Renewable Energy are on hand to help with your district heating heatpump queries. Fill out our industry selector form to specify your interest and get involved.