Worlds Largest Zero Carbon 90oC District Heat Pump opens its doors

Director of Star Renewable Energy, Dave Pearson, will be conducting the tour and providing an insight into the technology used, the implications of the design from a practical perspective, and the challenges involving the delivery of a large scale heat pump with a COP of over 3.
The programme will include participative discussions aimed at exploring avenues and opportunities to replicate the successful deployment of this type of green technology in the UK: “Our Neatpump heat pump technology could heat any large building in the UK. Ideally suited to those with a heating bill over £100k/a, we believe sources of heat are widespread across Britain, we just need some joined up thinking”, says Dave Pearson.
District Heat Pumps for residential and commercial buildings are becoming increasingly populardue to the high percentage of energy used for heating in UK – over 50% – and the increased level of environmental awareness within society.
A few spaces are available for the tour.
Meet the people who made this possible, visit the installation and discover the world’s largest ammonia heat pump at 90oCby taking part in this fascinating technological adventure.