Star Renewable Energy to speak at CEED Energy Clinic in Dundee
The UK’s archetypical name in the renewable cooling and heating industry, Star Renewable Energy will deliver an Energy Clinic for the Centre for Engineering, Education and Development (CEED) on energy efficiency at the Piperdam Golf & Leisure Resort in Dundee on Thursday 1st December
Dave Pearson, Director of Star Renewable Energy, will shed light on the importance of measuring the energy consumed by business for both, cooling and heating to keep energy bills down, as well as reducing the operational carbon footprint.
Pearson said, “Heating accounts for around 50% of the energy consumed in the UK and is heavily supported with low carbon programs such as the Renewable Heat Incentive.
Cooling on average accounts for 15% of electrical load but in reality for a cooling focused business this could be over 50%.
Typically, both heating and cooling are unmanaged and so the first part of the session will focus on data gathering. Not just gate-house metering but individual plant consumption and temperature delivery. Secondly there will be a session on cooling. How to get it right and how it typically goes wrong. Amazingly it is sometimes seen that performance is 50% out of whack! Lastly, aside from tuning heating systems, how practical is it to deploy large heat pumps?
Wrapping all of this up into business models there will be a discussion on how to fund projects in the 5-10 year break even range – typically too slow for businesses.
Join us for a session that has relevance to every business.
After all, a £ saved goes straight to the profit line.
With global targets being an 80% or more reduction in carbon footprint and current low gas prices there is no doubt that change will have to happen.
Those ahead of the curve get an Opportunity. Laggards see a Threat.
Which would your business prefer?
I do hope you can join us for this session – registration is now open by clicking HERE”