District heat pump technology to lead efforts to decarbonise the heat sector
David Pearson, Director at Star Renewable Energy, will be speaking on the role district heating schemes and heat pumps have to combat heating-related carbon emissions including a case study of the successful Drammen district heating scheme in Norway.
On Monday the 20th of February Dave Pearson will be holding a workshop on the role district heat pumps will have on achieving 2032 and 2050 targets. The seminar will take place at the Dynamic Earth for the Edinburgh Sustainable Innovation Conference (ESIC). Held by The Buchanan Institute, a student led think tank from the University of Edinburgh, ESIC is an opportunity to actively engage with a diverse range of sustainability experts to effect change where it is needed most: in our businesses, technologies and communities.
Speakers, those on the panel debate and those holding the workshops, will include experts from parliament, businesses, the energy sector, environmental groups, climate change clusters and research bodies. Key themes covered on the day will include diverse perspectives on renewable energy, the circular economy, business/ consumer choice and the creation of accessible and collaborative policy.
ESIC is unique, setting itself apart as more than just a talking point in its attempts to forge connections between key actors within industry and NGOs with an active and dynamic student base. Creating a space where environmental and socially viable sustainability is brought to the forefront of our lives, in policy and practice.
The Buchanan Institute welcomes all who are enthusiastic and willing to take part, novice or expert. Tickets (early bird and general respectively) cost £9/£10 for students and £22/£30 for general admissions.